Life in Anchorage: Alaska’s Spirit of Adventure

Life in Anchorage: Alaska’s Spirit of Adventure

Photo courtesy of Alissa Engelby.


Anvil is proud to offer business out of Anchorage, AK. Established in 1984, Anvil’s presence in Anchorage helps our company target projects that would otherwise be impossible.

As the company’s first expansion beyond its headquarters in Bellingham, ‘Alaska Anvil’ operated as a subsidiary of Anvil for nearly thirty years – before merging with Doyon Emerald in 2013 to ultimately become Doyon Anvil, a joint venture company, expanding our reach into Alaska even further.

For over 35 years, Anvil’s team in Anchorage has participated in an extensive list of interesting projects. However – while innovative efforts on pipelines, drill sites, and oil refineries across the state ensures work always stays exciting – it’s the balance between work and play that makes life in Alaska so desirable.

Skiing is one of Anchorage’s biggest pastimes. Photo courtesy of Kelvin Simonson.


“Anvil’s Hybrid Office Work (HOW) Program has been incredible in Anchorage,” Kari MacDonald, Project Manager, says. “I’m often able to get out for a quick ski or bike during lunch, so my outdoor time has definitely increased a lot since 2020.”

Harboring the Gulf of Alaska, Anchorage sits comfortably between the arctic waters of the Cook Inlet and the steep slopes of the Chugach Mountain Range. These mountains – named after the Native Pacific Eskimos who once inhabited the same land as the people of Anchorage – receive more snowfall than any other location on the planet.

“I love how close we are to so many great hiking and skiing locations in Anchorage,” Alissa Engelby, Civil/Structural Engineer and Workgroup Lead, says. “Some of my favorite things about living in Alaska would have to be all of the great outdoor activities – hiking, fishing, camping.”

“There is some of the world’s best fishing in Alaska,” Kari MacDonald affirms. “We get salmon, shrimp, and, of course, halibut.”

Alaska is one of the most coveted fishing locations in the entire world. Photo courtesy of Kari MacDonald.


“We’re blessed with four incredible seasons in Alaska,” Kelvin Simonson, Electrical Engineer, says. “Crisp, cold, and clear weather in the winter, followed by a quick spring and long summer days. Fall might be my favorite though because the colors are awesome in the mountains, and it’s the season for berry-picking, fishing, and hunting.”

While life at Doyon Anvil obviously revolves around Alaska’s legendary frontier, both in the personal lives of our employees and the professional projects they pursue, Anchorage is still the urban center of Alaska and the state’s largest city.

Anchorage has a population of over 291,000 people. Photo courtesy of Anchorage Daily News.


When you fully account for all of Anchorage’s unique cultural offerings – Alaska Native Heritage Center, Anchorage Museum, Alaska Aviation Museum, Anchorage Symphony Orchestra and Opera, International Gallery of Contemporary Art, and a plethora of exciting restaurants and breweries – it’s easy to see why there’s so much more to life in Alaska than just the outdoors.

A life spent in Alaska is one fueled by the thrill of discovery.  Anchorage is a place to explore the beauty of our planet and the future of renewable energy.

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