Agile Project Management

Using well-timed sprints and clear communication, Anvil teams use agile project management to complete tasks on time and within budget.

Collaborative Problem Solving

Within the sprints are iterative cycles of planning, executing tasks, and evaluating the results to continually follow the project’s critical path.  This collaborative, transparent, problem-solving approach in daily scrum sessions helps the team set priorities, identify issues sooner, fix these issues, manage risk, and continuously deliver throughout the project.

What our Agile project teams have discovered time and time again is that design collaboration with stakeholders in the beginning of activities significantly lowers the risk of misunderstanding and diverging concepts later in the process. Using Agile, our teams can eliminate change orders and schedule roadblocks much faster than usual to maintain and/or reduce schedule for effective capital stewardship.

Anvil Agile Scrum Teams:

-Conduct daily standup meetings to review client user stories managed on the ADO (Azure Dev Ops) Scrum Board. The meetings focus on completed tasks, ongoing tasks, “to-do” tasks, obstacles to tackle, and mitigating strategies to meet key goals and achieve success.

-Simultaneously prioritize and manage tasks while executing the work and reducing risks along the way.

-Debottleneck the project schedule by continually fixing issues, prioritizing work, pivoting projects, managing risks, and implementing lessons learned at the task level.

-Escalate risks from project risk assessment and discoveries, and mitigate the risks much quicker than on a traditional project.

-Manage the tasks on the critical path schedule with multiple inputs, client engagements, and client reviews to rapidly determine a course of action to stay on schedule and assign tasks, deliverables, and due dates to team members.

-Hold showcase meetings to share successes, lessons learned, request help from, and receive feedback from, the client’s project management team.

-Host a retrospective meeting at the end of each sprint where the team reviews what went well and not so well regarding the Agile process for lessons learned and continual improvement.

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